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How to get unbanned reliably.

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New member
I submitted my appeal yesterday, and think that a perma ban for calling a spammer a faggot isnt really warranted and my appeal got denied assumingly, I would accept a month, or even a half year ban but a perm ban seems a little extreme given the context, i would love to know if there is any good way to actually get unbanned via the appeal system for this type of ban, because i have alot of friends on that site that are probably wondering where i went.
I feel like an extensive amount of time (a year ish) MIGHT let you get unbanned but I've not seen that happen before
If you've got your response that would be the powers that be have spoken. I don't think there's going to be a magical or different way thats going to change the thought process.
I submitted my appeal yesterday, and think that a perma ban for calling a spammer a faggot isnt really warranted and my appeal got denied assumingly, I would accept a month, or even a half year ban but a perm ban seems a little extreme given the context, i would love to know if there is any good way to actually get unbanned via the appeal system for this type of ban, because i have alot of friends on that site that are probably wondering where i went.
Your only option is to appeal. If you have done that, then unfortunately there is not much else you can do. HOWEVER, if you are ever given another chance, you might want to remember that there are always consequences to our actions. Have a nice day! 😊
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