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Rally (READ IT)

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VIP Member
hello everyone!

I would like everyone to know about what the site, known as 321chat.com is bad.

We all love to chat with people, and 321 is one of the most popular sites. Sure, there's staff that keep us 'safe..' but there missing the point.

site should allow people to want to live there dreams. i told chatmaster that i wanted to own my own site one day. i was removed from staff and soon banned. This is NOT how sites should act. Im now on a newer and much nicer site, and i talked to the owner and she OFFERED to help me. THAT'S what these sites need, We need to stand up for everyone.

I know I will probably get banned here for seeking my thoughts, But I think its time we open our eyes.

Thank you for reading.

(If I am banned... I WILL be back.)
If you're banned, why are you on there now as AllStar55?

I banned the account as you say here that you are a banned user. For what reason, I have no idea.
If you're banned, why are you on there now as AllStar55?

I banned the account as you say here that you are a banned user. For what reason, I have no idea.
Why the fuck you ban allstar55?? im just trying to talk to my bestie!!!
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