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A little snippet from the book in the fantasy trilogy I'm currently writing (:

Elvira stinna

VIP Member
All this time i couldn't see
What the world has come to be

The roots of the evil are deep within
Irreversibily so in the hearts of men

I can feel them approaching
I can feel Their presence

All will face the bittersweet truth
of their destiny
IN TIME ......

Don't be afraid
When the night falls
Fear not the darkness
Fear not the silence
For you are no different
then those who dwell in the abyss

We are beasts alike
Its not our skin which differentiates us
It's the choices that we make

Our primordial preferences are the same no matter what our intentions are
Live and let live
Kindness shall be the answer to the unjustified
Penitence shall be the answer to the Unjust

Praise be to the ones who accept and adapt
Praise be to the one who will lead them
there is no glory in war
should you choose to walk down that path
you shall perish , along with the ones you carry on your shoulders
All this time i couldn't see
What the world has come to be

The roots of the evil are deep within
Irreversibily so in the hearts of men

I can feel them approaching
I can feel Their presence

All will face the bittersweet truth
of their destiny
IN TIME ......

Don't be afraid
When the night falls
Fear not the darkness
Fear not the silence
For you are no different
then those who dwell in the abyss

We are beasts alike
Its not our skin which differentiates us
It's the choices that we make

Our primordial preferences are the same no matter what our intentions are
Live and let live
Kindness shall be the answer to the unjustified
Penitence shall be the answer to the Unjust

Praise be to the ones who accept and adapt
Praise be to the one who will lead them
there is no glory in war
should you choose to walk down that path
you shall perish , along with the ones you carry on your shoulders
I love this. Life take courage, especially if we are traveling a journey of authenticity.
Have you already begun the process of finding a good literary agent - i would recommend not putting it off till the book is done - it takes too long