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The ominous
VIP Member
I don't like being dramatic, it is not for me. But I had to get an advice. What should happen next, how do I over come it?
The story is, I told someone some private stuff out of him saying it will stay between us, but I heard him tell what we spoke of with others in any case...
I don't like being dramatic, it is not for me. But I had to get an advice. What should happen next, how do I over come it?
The story is, I told someone some private stuff out of him saying it will stay between us, but I heard him tell what we spoke of with others in any case...
Personally I'd speak up and let that person know you heard about what they said and you thought you could trust them and it really hurt you considering the fact that seems you can't now .. it's always better to speak up then not really my personal opinion I'd speak up and let them know because that isn't a right thing to do in any matter of a case

Hey. I have found myself in a similar situation. Best thing to do is talk to them and don't say anything to them you don't mind having shared with other people until or if rather you can trust them. Good Luck.
Betrayal is when you havin a threesome and your homie slips it in. (Most of the shit I say is a joke, don't be like your mom and open gaspocket out about it.)