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cant send messages on my laptop

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New member
cant send messages on my laptop or send in the main chat.it lets me type a message but when i go to send it nothing pops up as sent
cant send messages on my laptop or send in the main chat.it lets me type a message but when i go to send it nothing pops up as sent
A few factors that can be causing this issue: poor connectivity, site lag, room mute/site mute, device emojis (not the provided chat emojis).

If you are room muted, you'd see an orange hand next to your username on the userlist. This indicates your chat privileges have been temporarily disabled, meaning if you were to send something through main chat of the room you're in, it wouldn't be sent. Red hand is a site mute, indicates chat privileges for main in all chatrooms, including your ability to chat with others through PMs as well as the wall post feature have been disabled for a set duration...
cant send messages on my laptop or send in the main chat.it lets me type a message but when i go to send it nothing pops up as sent
A few factors that can be causing this issue: poor connectivity, site lag, room mute/site mute, device emojis (not the provided chat emojis).

If you are room muted, you'd see an orange hand next to your username on the userlist. This indicates your chat privileges have been temporarily disabled, meaning if you were to send something through main chat of the room you're in, it wouldn't be sent. Red hand is a site mute, indicates chat privileges for main in all chatrooms, including your ability to chat with others through PMs as well as the wall post feature have been disabled for a set duration.

In most instances or if you think you were taken action against unfairly, you may appeal and we'll take a look into it.

Device emojis are not likely to be sent with text you may have typed in main or PM. Only site provided emojis and text symbols will go through.
honestly why do site mutes exist? i get that they dont want you chatting in any room at all but why does it also affect dms and wall posting lmao.
idk it seems pretty r a m b u n c t i o u s to me
Do you think those who misbehave or break rules and need to be dealt with deserve to have access to any chat privileges?

Users need to learn their lesson somehow if they're not mindful of their actions and being disruptive to others who are trying to enjoy the most of what 321 has to offer.
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