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heart broken

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VIP Member
I made one mistake and worked hard to buy VIP and lost it because I posted a partial link to some dumb site whih I did in private. I didn't know it was against the rules. Why does bad things always happen to me :( A perm ban too
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I made one mistake and worked hard to buy VIP and lost it because I posted a partial link to some dumb site whih I hate in private. Why does bad things always happen to me :( A perm ban too
idk what in the scooter Braun ur talking abt but vip is for losers
Yes, I am hoping prinny will have a convo with me. I need to explain somethings. I remember her from a year ago and she was always super nice. I am hoping she will let us back after a few more days since we both bought VIP accounts and it was an honest mistake in private,
Yes, I am hoping prinny will have a convo with me. I need to explain somethings. I remember her from a year ago and she was always super nice. I am hoping she will let us back after a few more days since we both bought VIP accounts and it was an honest mistake in private

I recommend directly contacting an Admin member, good luck.
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