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Heartbroken not sure what to do (constructive advice)


New member
I knew id be disappointed today. I mentioned to my SO that I felt that he'd let me down today. Despite me letitng him know today was a special day to me he did everything but make me proud. His actions are as follows send me two random video much like those that are on a fwd whatsapp chain, calls me bad for treating myself to my favorite french bakery, asks me for $50, I discovered that I am blocked from his whatsapp story. Ignores my snap all day but msg me via imessage does not call at lunch time nor does he give me a call on any of his breaks when i called him he acted as though the connection was bad. I feel so disrespected, this is not how ive shown him that i like to be treated. I also found out that he lied to me about a transaction on his credit card. I also found out more about a few of the women he mingled with while broken up (x3 chicks) Weve been dating for nearly 1.5 yr
If you're in a relationship, there's no reason for you to be blocked from any of his social media. I think there are a lot of red flags in that little bit of text. If you want to be treated better, you have to demand it. If he won't, then maybe show him the door. Better to be single than to be treated like crap.
I knew id be disappointed today. I mentioned to my SO that I felt that he'd let me down today. Despite me letitng him know today was a special day to me he did everything but make me proud. His actions are as follows send me two random video much like those that are on a fwd whatsapp chain, calls me bad for treating myself to my favorite french bakery, asks me for $50, I discovered that I am blocked from his whatsapp story. Ignores my snap all day but msg me via imessage does not call at lunch time nor does he give me a call on any of his breaks when i called him he acted as though the connection was bad. I feel so disrespected, this is not how ive shown him that i like to be treated. I also found out that he lied to me about a transaction on his credit card. I also found out more about a few of the women he mingled with while broken up (x3 chicks) Weve been dating for nearly 1.5 yr
Some would say moving is not constructive but that's the best advice here. But look at the good side you are aware of this and can put and end to this kinda treatments. I suggest start dating again after a break. Spend time with your friends and family
Hi Kale,

Sorry to hear of your disappointment. This type of disappointment is pretty much out of your control.

Unfortunately people don’t always do the best thing. You are unlikely to find anyone perfect, and it’s a case by case basis of determining if this person is a best fit for you, or whether it’s time to move on.

1.5 years is a while, but being practical it’s all about what is best for the future (the past has been and gone, and there is no going back).

If you believe that someone else would bring more happiness to you in their place, I’d personally call it a day because it makes no sense to put up with less than the best.

Anyhow I realise that this is a late response and things may have changed, but regardless I feel the advice is still practical.

Wishing you the best in this situation 🙂.