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JunkHead - Home at last


Everything I state is accurate.
VIP Member
I am a person just like you, neigh I am a God. Neigh I am a beggar walking the street for spare coin. Neigh I am a horse and the cart is my life. Neigh I am a soldier this is my rifle, this is my knife

April fools time for tools time to relish salad days, time to embellish hazey maize time for joy time for shame do not blame the game it is just April fools day

Thank your kind heart for allowing me to be here but why'd you have to point and stare, laugh and glare, treat me like some freak of a man that should not be, so I'll be here I'll sit and wallow woe is me, trying hard to breathe on even feet with no fear of what lies beneath summer changes to autumn gloom here we sit impending doom all while men sit above a room dreaming of a wasteful tomb, eat the garbage, shave your face, make sure pretty little things go to waste, tell your friends, speak out loud or else your mind comes a foggy cloud, shroud your head in thoughts lest your mind come a knot
Sleepy Patrick Star GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants
loading GIF
bored patrick star GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants
Jokes on you, this stuff ain't that hard to chew, the face you make when my nails strike the chalkboard on the days oh the haze oh i didn't know the rules but i tried and it feels almost better now that I've died