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MISSING- Unsolved Amber Alert, Keshawn Williams


New member
I have been following this Amber Alert for almost two months now. It breaks my heart that he still hasn’t been found. Please, spread the news about his disappearance. Help us find him. Do not hesitate to call 911 or the Cleveland Division of Police at 216-623-5418 if you have any information.


Missing person description

Missing Since: Jun 23, 2023
Missing From: Cleveland, OH
Age Now: 15 years
Sex: Male
Race: Black
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 5'05"
Weight: 120 lbs
Description: Last seen wearing a creamed colored jogging suit and gray Jordan sneakers

Suspect‘s vehicle description

Make: Jeep
Color: Black
Description: The Jeep SUV may have Temporary Registration

He has been missing for almost 2 months. It is extremely likely he was abducted.

Please share this information anywhere you can and keep an eye out, even if you don’t live near Cleveland, Ohio. He could be anywhere by now, and the more people that know about his disappearance, the better! Thank you! #helpfindkeshawn

More information:

I have been following this Amber Alert for almost two months now. It breaks my heart that he still hasn’t been found. Please, spread the news about his disappearance. Help us find him. Do not hesitate to call 911 or the Cleveland Division of Police at 216-623-5418 if you have any information.

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Missing person description

Missing Since: Jun 23, 2023
Missing From: Cleveland, OH
Age Now: 15 years
Sex: Male
Race: Black
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 5'05"
Weight: 120 lbs
Description: Last seen wearing a creamed colored jogging suit and gray Jordan sneakers

Suspect‘s vehicle description

Make: Jeep
Color: Black
Description: The Jeep SUV may have Temporary Registration

He has been missing for almost 2 months. It is extremely likely he was abducted.

Please share this information anywhere you can and keep an eye out, even if you don’t live near Cleveland, Ohio. He could be anywhere by now, and the more people that know about his disappearance, the better! Thank you! #helpfindkeshawn

More information:

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I think it's a fantastic idea that you tried to reach out for help finding them anywhere, I hope they are found and are safe.