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point proven

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VIP Member
so my thread was closed without a single reply so was my point proven?

i asked hypothetically if i was to start a convo about sperm in a 13+ room would i get muted/kicked or whatever? because in the same vein, WHY are "sperm" names allowed on here? i surely would NOT talk about sperm in a room, 13+ or otherwise....BUT...in that same vein, i chat in a 13+ room everyday in the presence of someone with a sperm name...who also likes to randomly comment "buttstuff" among other things here and there....

so where is the line drawn? my question about this gets shut down...but that's allowed to continue???
i'm not trying to start any trouble or drama...it's a legit question i'm just trying to have an open dialogue about...

compared to many of the outlandish threads that have been on here (and allowed to remain open)...it's pointed that mine was shut down without zero comment
If a chatter brings up topics of discussion regarding what you mentioned, they'll be kicked, if not banned, as it is obviously inappropriate and shouldn't be discussed in the site. However, this all depends on several factors, really.

As for the second part of your feedback, unfortunately there are going to be users who will use the site for inappropriate or sexual activity and not for family-friendly purposes. And the only way we can properly address the issues is by chatters reporting.
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