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Privacy filters


VIP Member
sometimes u want to keep someone blocked in pms but not necessarily in main chat....like u dont mind what they say in main so u dont want to ignore them...u just dont want tthem in ur pms

is there a possibility that privacy settings could include something to block age ranges instead of a blanket "friends only" ????
You could restrict your private message settings to friends only or members only, depending on who you want to be messaged by or if you don't want anybody messaging you, turn them off.

I personally like your suggestion since it can come in handy for users who only want to be messaged by certain age groups, I support it.
You could restrict your private message settings to friends only or members only, depending on who you want to be messaged by or if you don't want anybody messaging you, turn them off.

I personally like your suggestion since it can come in handy for users who only want to be messaged by certain age groups, I support it.
but i dont want to restrict it to friends only....theres members i dont mind having pm me....but theres also members that while i dont mind chatttin in main with, i dont want in my pms...
and yeah, its usually tthe minors who think just cuz ur decently nice to them in main, it gives them reason to pm u...
and yeah, its usually tthe minors who think just cuz ur decently nice to them in main, it gives them reason to pm u...
Bro... Can't you just turn the sound off your PMs and physically ignore them if they message you? Like you're asking for unnecessary stuff to be done. Literally seems like you have a complaint about every nook and cranny here. Like if you don't wanna talk to them then don't text back. lol