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PSA: make sure you keep up with your COVID boosters in 2023

Remember to keep up with your covid boosters as the year continues.
Tobey Maguire Lol GIF
Montage Reaction GIF by MOODMAN
Tv Show Lol GIF
The Office Lol GIF
christian bale laughing GIF
Michael Jordan Reaction GIF
Will Ferrell Lol GIF

Those with compromised immune systems appreciate it when people make an effort to prevent the spread of viruses.
My mother is a fucking tank when it comes to viruses. She hasn't worn a mask at all in the past year and she still hasn't gotten covid. No vaccine included.

It's either my parent is a lucky bastard or they have them virus cheats. :ROFLMAO:
My mother is a fucking tank when it comes to viruses. She hasn't worn a mask at all in the past year and she still hasn't gotten covid. No vaccine included.

It's either my parent is a lucky bastard or they have them virus cheats. :ROFLMAO:
So is my grandma. Flu shots came out and the lady hasnt been sick since, shes turning 90 this year.
Then theres me right now, with a damn cold immediately after catching gastroenteritis.