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Textfield to write messages missing


New member

About a week ago I created an account on the chatsite uaing the same username and e-mailaddress as this forumaccount.

More or less from the very beginning I've been missing the textfield at the bottom of the page to write messages in. Additionally there is no '+' button. I'm essentially limited to observing the chat, regardless of what room I'm in. See attached image.

I'm using Chrome on Android, do not use a VPN or anything. I know the chat should work fine on this browser as it does without issues on the other version of this platform.

Is there a way to resolve or work around this issue?


  • Screenshot_20231107_000629_Chrome.jpg
    28.2 KB · Views: 6

About a week ago I created an account on the chatsite uaing the same username and e-mailaddress as this forumaccount.

More or less from the very beginning I've been missing the textfield at the bottom of the page to write messages in. Additionally there is no '+' button. I'm essentially limited to observing the chat, regardless of what room I'm in. See attached image.

I'm using Chrome on Android, do not use a VPN or anything. I know the chat should work fine on this browser as it does without issues on the other version of this platform.

Is there a way to resolve or work around this issue?
This is an issue that occurs on a daily basis for everyone. Normally refreshing the page once or twice will do the trick and the missing text box should reappear on your screen. Do this also when switching rooms as it will disappear again sometimes.

It certainly is an inconvenient thing to happen when you want to chat but hopefully it can be fixed. But for now this is the best solution to this.

Hope this helps!