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The importance of a good family


VIP Member
Dating someone who comes from a good family is extremely important.

Good families breed good people, and you have to love their family. You are spending your life with this person, and they must be good. Money is always good. Love is always good. Respect and support is always good.

If the parents are still together this is good.

Watch out for the warnings signs... Don't date anyone who does not come from a good family.

Don't date a smoker.

Be wary of drugs, but this is not as bad as alcohol. Alcohol in women breeds sluts and alcohol in men breeds violence.

You know if someone is promiscuous if they mention sex early, or try to lure you into sex. They will be bad.

If they like music, this is a really really good sign.

Music elitism is bad. Be wary of people who only pay attention to one genre or put down other genres.

Don't date anyone who says they love you. The heart and relationships have no business together.

Social media is extremely bad, especially Facebook. I personally wouldn't date anyone who uses Facebook. Twitter is much better, and instagram is marginally better, but still bad.

Don't date anyone who is in debt.

Do not date someone you met on the internet. Do not date someone who is not local.

Do not date widows or divorcees. If you a guy, do not date a woman who has or who has had kids.

As a general rule, usually younger women are better.

If you are a guy, it is ok to date a wealthy woman, because dowry's are ok. But, if you a woman, dating a guy with wealth usually means gold-digging. Which in my view, is not good. Because they may cheat at some point, looking for romance outside of a monetary transaction disguising itself as a "relationship".

A guy is a cheater if he doesn't mention his currently relationship right off the bat.

That's it.

Replies welcome, but I will probably get a lot of heat for this. My views are conservative, the trend among interneters is usually a apathy stemming from an unfortunate life or disappointment in their living system. This is usually also a result of very poor finances. People not wanting to deal with real problems usually flock to the internet. The internet is a tool, not a crutch. Also, stay away from people who are political. This goes for romance as well as any other form a relationship. If you don't listen to this, you will get screwed. And also, always remember, it is okay to be picky. You are picking one life partner, not a series of fuckdates. One must select.
This is extremely general and really narrows down the field.

I mean not everyone that used drugs recreationally or drinks is a drug addict/junkie or alcoholic.

Don't date anyone that is in debt...a mortgage is a debt.

Date wealthy people - there is more to life than money, and there is more to wealth than just money.

Don't date anyone from the internet - I have watched hundreds of lasting relationships that began from meeting on the internet.

Promescuity is not bad to everyone, some people have a high libido.

I mean all these might work for you, but in the real world most of this advice is impractical. I mean I literally cross all the boxes.
Dating someone who comes from a good family is extremely important.

Good families breed good people, and you have to love their family. You are spending your life with this person, and they must be good. Money is always good. Love is always good. Respect and support is always good.

If the parents are still together this is good.

Watch out for the warnings signs... Don't date anyone who does not come from a good family.

Don't date a smoker.

Be wary of drugs, but this is not as bad as alcohol. Alcohol in women breeds sluts and alcohol in men breeds violence.

You know if someone is promiscuous if they mention sex early, or try to lure you into sex. They will be bad.

If they like music, this is a really really good sign.

Music elitism is bad. Be wary of people who only pay attention to one genre or put down other genres.

Don't date anyone who says they love you. The heart and relationships have no business together.

Social media is extremely bad, especially Facebook. I personally wouldn't date anyone who uses Facebook. Twitter is much better, and instagram is marginally better, but still bad.

Don't date anyone who is in debt.

Do not date someone you met on the internet. Do not date someone who is not local.

Do not date widows or divorcees. If you a guy, do not date a woman who has or who has had kids.

As a general rule, usually younger women are better.

If you are a guy, it is ok to date a wealthy woman, because dowry's are ok. But, if you a woman, dating a guy with wealth usually means gold-digging. Which in my view, is not good. Because they may cheat at some point, looking for romance outside of a monetary transaction disguising itself as a "relationship".

A guy is a cheater if he doesn't mention his currently relationship right off the bat.

That's it.

Replies welcome, but I will probably get a lot of heat for this. My views are conservative, the trend among interneters is usually a apathy stemming from an unfortunate life or disappointment in their living system. This is usually also a result of very poor finances. People not wanting to deal with real problems usually flock to the internet. The internet is a tool, not a crutch. Also, stay away from people who are political. This goes for romance as well as any other form a relationship. If you don't listen to this, you will get screwed. And also, always remember, it is okay to be picky. You are picking one life partner, not a series of fuckdates. One must select.
I'm not sure if such a person exists. I'm not trying to date a perfect person. I like down to earth. She don't have to be that perfect. You know; I rather date a person who is flawed. I think she would totally get me. It be easier to get along with her.
colton underwood GIF by The Bachelor
Prioritizing someone who regulates everything I do would prevent me from ever accomplishing anything.

I would experience more anxiety and depression from any sexual relationship than love.

Like hell I'm taking 30 years off my life just to make a connection with some broad.
Dating someone who comes from a good family is extremely important.

Good families breed good people, and you have to love their family. You are spending your life with this person, and they must be good. Money is always good. Love is always good. Respect and support is always good.

If the parents are still together this is good.

Watch out for the warnings signs... Don't date anyone who does not come from a good family.

Don't date a smoker.

Be wary of drugs, but this is not as bad as alcohol. Alcohol in women breeds sluts and alcohol in men breeds violence.

You know if someone is promiscuous if they mention sex early, or try to lure you into sex. They will be bad.

If they like music, this is a really really good sign.

Music elitism is bad. Be wary of people who only pay attention to one genre or put down other genres.

Don't date anyone who says they love you. The heart and relationships have no business together.

Social media is extremely bad, especially Facebook. I personally wouldn't date anyone who uses Facebook. Twitter is much better, and instagram is marginally better, but still bad.

Don't date anyone who is in debt.

Do not date someone you met on the internet. Do not date someone who is not local.

Do not date widows or divorcees. If you a guy, do not date a woman who has or who has had kids.

As a general rule, usually younger women are better.

If you are a guy, it is ok to date a wealthy woman, because dowry's are ok. But, if you a woman, dating a guy with wealth usually means gold-digging. Which in my view, is not good. Because they may cheat at some point, looking for romance outside of a monetary transaction disguising itself as a "relationship".

A guy is a cheater if he doesn't mention his currently relationship right off the bat.

That's it.

Replies welcome, but I will probably get a lot of heat for this. My views are conservative, the trend among interneters is usually a apathy stemming from an unfortunate life or disappointment in their living system. This is usually also a result of very poor finances. People not wanting to deal with real problems usually flock to the internet. The internet is a tool, not a crutch. Also, stay away from people who are political. This goes for romance as well as any other form a relationship. If you don't listen to this, you will get screwed. And also, always remember, it is okay to be picky. You are picking one life partner, not a series of fuckdates. One must select.
A lot of this is utter bs.

Firstly just because someone's parent are still together doesn mean that that family is a good one nor does someone coming from a single parent or shared parenting family make their family situation bad.

Going by your logic you shouldn't date any one that drinks tea, coffee or enegry drinks as caffeine is the most abused drug in the world yet not everyone who drinks them is bad.

Just because someone talks about sex doesn't mean their promiscuous as doctors for example talk about it for their jobs.

Music is good but listening to only one particular genre and not liking others is bad and elitist? Maybe people just don't like the other genres for numerous different reasons

If someone is addicted to social media, especially Twitter, is bad agreed but just using it in general isn't a bad thing.

Nothing wrong with using online dating if used responsibly and just because someone isn't local doesn't mean you shouldn't daye them, it just makes things a tad harder.

Not dating someone who's a widow/er or divorced or has kids is ridiculous as some people can't have kids for numerous reason and want them. I personally know someone who married a widow and he treats her kids like his own and they don't see him as anything other than dad.

The rest of it is just crap that doesn't need attention bought to it as its all obvious that it's falsehoods.
The world isn't perfect. I don't mind a little baggage as long as the person is trying to grow with me and we are doing what we have to do.