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What do you prefer ...


Example ...
What do you prefer

Samsung or iPhone?

Then the next person answers and comes up with their own 'what do you prefer' for the next person etc...
Il start

What would you prefer

Pert or saggy ?
That's a tough one, not going to lie.. I'd go with the second one.

What would you prefer?

Listen to one song for the rest of your life


Eat the same food everyday for the rest of your life
I would listen to 1 song the rest of my life.

Would you rather never be able to use electronics again in your life


Not have the ability to hear the people you love the most
Deaf, I'm deaf in one ear anyway lol

Which would you prefer,

Living in the country side in the middle of no where


In the middle of a hugely populated city
Living in the countryside sounds nice to me.

What would you prefer:

Ability to fly BUT your arms get replaced by wings


Ability to teleport BUT you lose your legs
Teleport but lose my legs. Wings would just get in the way and I could get bionic legs. lol

Would you rather...

Have one great friend for your whole life that you can always depend on


have several so-so friends, who may or may not be there for you?
Teleport but lose my legs. Wings would just get in the way and I could get bionic legs. lol

Would you rather...

Have one great friend for your whole life that you can always depend on


have several so-so friends, who may or may not be there for you?
I really like the first option regarding friendship as I have experienced it myself...

Would you rather
Buy Chick-fil-A chicken tenders

Buy a Happy Meal?

: )
A happy meal, so I can get the toy.

Would you rather...

Only watch movies for the rest of your life


Only watch TV show for the rest of your life?
Living in the countryside sounds nice to me.

What would you prefer:

Ability to fly BUT your arms get replaced by wings


Ability to teleport BUT you lose your legs
Ability to teleport BUT you lose your legs, sounds cool

Would you rather

Live a life fearing what others thought if you

live a life in a shanty town with no money?
Shanty town with no money

Would you rather be a Top model , Really beautiful


Have a really high I.Q

Brains or Beauty ?