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Would you support your daughter if she decided to do onlyfans?

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Provided she is of age, I would support her endeavour.
OnlyFans isn't just for adult-themed content. There's all sorts of content creators on there from books, to art, to photo manipulation and things in between.
Personally , yes, it's her body and decisions, however I would aid her to be extremely careful, and too look out as it puts her at risk. However, as long as she's safe and of age, I'd be a loving supportive dad.
I personally would ofcourse. How about you?

Frustrated Clint Eastwood GIF
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Shark Tank No GIF

NO! It has a lot more pornography than anything else. I took a look and the first thing I saw was a woman exposing herself. I don't care if she's a content creator reviewing books and art. It's known across the internet for pornography. I wouldn't want her on it.
It's just another step to Sodom and Gomorrah.

I'd support someone if they were doing right. Other than that, NO!

Geez... Sometimes I feel you do this just to screw with me. Can't wait for your next question. 😒
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