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Your Best Financial Advice

Pay down the smallest loan/ credit cards first, apply that money to the next lowest etc etc
Give me your best financial advice in one sentence.
You would think money and math follow the same patterns... uhhh no! Never! Thats one big mistake many make when financing. They assume numbers stay numbers. When you make money- its not just numbers. It systematically becomes your food, your housing and your essentials to non-essential. It helps your world spin. Many make their world spin fast and oop, lost all that money along with a sense of stable, which i like to call gravity. Everything crashing now.

Learn your basic "Consumers"! MATH.
How can you get good insurance if you dont gwt that the rates are actually bonkers! That API is a butt hole! Learn how to read a standard to actual scams.
Yes. Insurance companies will assume you dont know API and will say, "oh! 5% API is good!!"
And since you use elementary math. 5% doesnt seem like a lot.. untill you realize that small things add up. A good insurance deal keeps it from whole numbers or past 1%. Mainly like 0.80% API..
Man.. i should do some Consumers math. Its been 4 years since i picked up the textbook.. #teacher-cared ... i was in independent study, so it was his standards mixed with state standards.
@Kiddo Zoomer, yes? Californian, yes? None of this "advice" can save you, bruv. You're completely fucked.

Food Bae GIF