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Should rape be punishable by death in the US?

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That's literally the same with every other crime bro.
That's why I don't support the death penalty. A few crimes arguably deserve it - rape, pedophilia, murder, etc. - but I don't trust any justice system to be reliable in carrying that out. Past statistics of wrongful death row convicitions show that the number of people falsely murdered by a more expansive death penalty allowance would be way too high. Life in jail can be undone if the suspect is found innocent, but the death penalty cannot be.
Liberals are fine with the idea of killing billions of innocent children because it's the "mothers" choice. But, when it's the judicial systems choice for the lives of pedos, murderers, and rapists THEN there's leeway. No logic whatsoever. lol
Liberals are fine with the idea of killing billions of innocent children because it's the "mothers" choice. But, when it's the judicial systems choice for the lives of pedos, murderers, and rapists THEN there's leeway. No logic whatsoever. lol
This isn't an abortion thread, but it's funny how a clump of cells with no developed conscience (in most cases) is seen as more valuable than the life of a woman lol. And it's not "leeway", it's a lack of trust in the judicial system, and for good reason.
This isn't an abortion thread, but it's funny how a clump of cells with no developed conscience (in most cases) is seen as more valuable than the life of a woman lol. And it's not "leeway", it's a lack of trust in the judicial system, and for good reason.
lol Now, now, who said anything about a woman's life being any more valuable than an underdeveloped child? Wasn't the woman an underdeveloped child, once? If someone's proven guilty for degenerating acts against humanity then they should suffer the consequences. A person proven guilty of rape should be given the death penalty. I would sacrifice myself and I'm sure many would if that meant all the rapists would come down with us. If certain crimes result in the death penalty, those crimes will certainly lower. People will start having second thoughts before abusing someone.
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If certain crimes result in the death penalty, those crimes will certainly lower. People will start having second thoughts before abusing someone.
yes, because the threat of the death penalty has curbed gun related crimes in the USA.

MAGA right?
yes, because the threat of the death penalty has curbed gun related crimes in the USA.

MAGA right?
You write in a very nebulous manner. You may think your comments are clear but they're all rather very unclear. lol The only time you make sense is when you're quoting off someone else. Now, what were you trying to say? What about MAGA?
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