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Should rape be punishable by death in the US?

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If certain crimes result in the death penalty, those crimes will certainly lower. People will start having second thoughts before abusing someone.
Or, what would actually happen, rapists would kill their victims as well because they know being caught would result in a death penalty either way. 🤷
The US government should adopt Rademacher's 'Madagascar Plan' as the legal punishment for sexual assault. But instead of Madagascar, it should be the 'Antarctica Plan'. Those who desire to live a lawless lifestyle should be sent to a place where there are no laws. It's a win-win situation.

Spongebob Squarepants Flirting GIF
Should rape be punishable by death in the US? Why?
I feel like if there are 2 charges supported by dna evidence yeah. Like. They did that. Twice. You think one time is enough to sediment something- but it clearly starts showing a dominace defect. Will not listen to reason.
The US government should adopt Rademacher's 'Madagascar Plan' as the legal punishment for sexual assault. But instead of Madagascar, it should be the 'Antarctica Plan'. Those who desire to live a lawless lifestyle should be sent to a place where there are no laws. It's a win-win situation.

Spongebob Squarepants Flirting GIF
They did something like that in sweden. Where you live on a jail/suburbian area and you "rebillitate". Like- no more calling the karens bitches and putting a cap in that ho
rapists do not get punished in california. i do not see the problem with rapists. they usually stop raping people when they are old. california is a great place to live. :)
People are wrongly convicted of this so it won’t end well for them if they’re still trying to prove their innocence.
Getting legal advice, especially when you're innocent, might not be the best choice, particularly if those interrogating you haven't accused you of any wrongdoing. Bringing a lawyer into the situation can create the perception of guilt. Simply participating in an interrogation doesn't automatically imply guilt; individuals may be questioned for reasons such as being a witness or possessing pertinent information for an investigation.
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Should rape be punishable by death in the US? Why?
Rape should not be punishable by the death penalty. Instead, a sentence of life without parole can be deemed sufficient. This ensures that perpetrators face severe consequences for their actions while avoiding the irreversible nature of the death penalty. Life imprisonment guarantees that offenders will spend the remainder of their lives behind bars, serving as a deterrent and providing justice for the victims. Additionally, it allows for the possibility of rehabilitation and acknowledges the potential for wrongful convictions, which cannot be rectified in cases where the death penalty is imposed. Ultimately, life without parole holds offenders accountable while upholding principles of justice and humanity.

The purpose of the death penalty, also known as capital punishment, varies depending on cultural, historical, and legal contexts. Some of the commonly cited purposes include:

1. Deterrence: Proponents argue that the threat of execution serves as a deterrent, discouraging individuals from committing serious crimes such as murder.

2. Punishment: The death penalty is seen as a form of punishment for those who commit the most heinous crimes, such as murder, treason, or acts of terrorism. It is often viewed as a way to impose the ultimate consequence for the most severe offenses.

3. Retribution: Capital punishment is sometimes justified as a means of achieving retribution or justice for victims and their families. It is seen as a way to balance the scales and provide closure to those affected by the crime.

4. Public Safety: Some argue that executing individuals deemed too dangerous to be rehabilitated and reintegrated into society serves to protect the public from further harm.

5. Symbolic Value: In some cases, the death penalty is viewed as a symbolic affirmation of societal values, particularly regarding the sanctity of life and the severity of certain crimes.

However, it's important to note that the efficacy and ethics of the death penalty are highly debated. Opponents argue that it is ineffective as a deterrent, prone to error and irreversibility, disproportionately applied to marginalized groups, and violates fundamental human rights. As such, opinions on the purpose and validity of the death penalty vary widely.
Incarceration is essentially a form of capital punishment, considering that life itself has an expiration date.

I honestly think that they should go back to waterboarding:
The Holy Scriptures condemn rape. Therefore, I condemn rape. I believe every type of rape is a capital crime. Therefore, I support capital punishment for every type of rape.
no you can't kill someone over rape and this is bullshit we know the past . only innocent hanged for no reason they were falsely accused
The Holy Scriptures condemn rape. Therefore, I condemn rape. I believe every type of rape is a capital crime. Therefore, I support capital punishment for every type of rape.
decribe rape then describe what is minimum age for punishment? and what if your son wrongly accused ?
Should rape be punishable by death in the US? Why?
does killing someone who’s a r*pist resolve the issue? no, it just stops the person (who already did it) from doing it again. something needs to happen to prevent any act of sa from being performed.
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