Although these rules cover most general situations, they cannot cover everything, therefore 321 Chat Moderators have permission to take any action that's necessary to ensure 321Chats are not disrupted. Please be sure to read our FAQs if you have questions.
321Chat is a family friendly chat site and while some rooms are for adults, explicit language, user names or image posts are expressly forbidden.
Be 13 to 16 years old.
Be 13 to 19 years old.
As is the case with all of our chat rooms bigoted and hateful speech will result in a ban. Since race, religious and gay/lesbian specific chats are prone to this type of behavior there will be no warnings given and violators face being banned from ALL rooms!
18+ : This is not a sexual room it simply is for older chatters.
Gay Chat Age Limit 18+
Lesbian Chat Age Limit 18+
Lesbian Teen Age Limit 13-19
Trans Chat Age Limit 13+
As is the case with all of our chat rooms, bigoted and hateful speech will result in a ban. Since race, religious and gay/lesbian specific chats are prone to this type of behavior, there will be no warnings given and violators face being banned from ALL 321 chats.
Be 16+.
Be respectful and tolerant of other peoples beliefs.
As is the case with all of our chat rooms bigoted and hateful speech will result in a ban. Since race, religious and gay/lesbian specific chats are prone to this type of behavior, there will be no warnings given and violators face being banned from ALL 321 chats.